Thursday, July 4, 2019

Where Anger Originates

By    Expert Author Norma Holt

Deep within our psyche we have triggers that shut down logic and common sense and take over our brains with rage. We have all felt it and sometimes it starts with fear or jealousy. If it is allowed to intensify, it becomes anger that may lead to the death of others, suicide or both. With many cases of this scenario in recent times it is important to understand how and why this happens.
The bottom line in many of these cases is revenge. The emotion triggering that is a sense of loss and feelings of hate towards and punishment for a perpetrator.
In the last month or so in Australia we have seen a grandfather shoot dead his entire family before killing himself. Seven people in all that included his wife, daughter, and four grandchildren. While that has shocked the nation it is now followed by a father who killed his two teenage children before turning the gun on himself.
Both these cases followed custody battles in court in which the two men lost out. Their anger, however, followed months of planning. In the case of the father he joined a shooting club to gain a license to buy guns. That took place weeks or even months beforehand.
In the case of the grandfather there were other signs as he became more violent as the end approached. The court outcome may have had little to do with his final act but there is evidence of jealousy or fear planning out.
The recent shooting of victims in the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, USA, is another case in point. It involved the death of five people but the shooter survived and is in custody. He had a grudge against the business after failing in court to get compensation.
There are many killings that are not related to court outcomes, such as when a partner is murdered by their ex or current lover. The reasons are not always clear but many are motivated by jealousy and or fear, especially if there is a break-down in the relationship.
The question is how does one avoid reaching the point of either committing murder or being a victim of a killer? Every case is different and every outcome is equally unpredictable. Women, however, are more vulnerable because they are the weaker of the two. The answer must, therefore, lie in the signs exhibited.
It is likely that one who is planning such an outcome has mood swings and other things that point to a change in his or her thinking. While it is not possible to give positive answers the best approach is to encourage one to think things through and not act because of the force within that blocks out common sense and logic.
Commissioned by God Norma Holt works to spread the knowledge given to her by the Spirit. It differs to religious teachings because she has memory of reincarnation and knows that heaven and hell are myths. Her experience in the Spirit is here. The evidence given to her to remove the wall of blindness is here. Everything she writes is verifiable in the bible and through research.

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