Friday, July 26, 2019

Wholesome Rx: Prescribe Produce, Not Pills

Tuesday, 17 April 2018 14:45By By Ellen Kanner, Contributing Writer

“Eat more fresh produce.” It’s an easy bit of medical advice to give….and it really does result in major health benefits including lowered cholesterol and reduced cancer risk.
Yet it’s advice millions of Americans aren’t able to follow, even if they want to.

They’re hampered by cost and distance--the biggest barriers to healthful eating according to a National Institutes of Health study. Others lack the time or the culinary know-how to fix consistently healthy plant-based meals for themselves and their families.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Clearing Up The Metabolic Syndrome

By      Expert Author Pamela Weinman

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health issues - increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, high triglyceride (bad cholesterol) levels and low HDL (good cholesterol). When even three of these conditions occur together, the individual is at high risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
This kind of full-blown metabolic disorder cannot be considered rare either. About 35% of adults in the United States have metabolic syndrome and 1 in every 4 people are at risk of developing it.
Our lifestyle is largely to blame for this kind of dysfunctional metabolism that can turn life-threatening. Indeed, it is the combination of unhealthy food habits, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress and dependence on comfort foods that play havoc with the system and drive it out of gear.
Now there are metabolic syndrome diet options and people are largely aware of what they need to do to get their body back on track. Losing weight is definitely critical. Eating the right foods, being more active and managing the stress levels is equally essential for managing the metabolic syndrome and also keeping such conditions at bay.
However, how many people actually make the required changes in their lifestyle and stick to healthier options is another question altogether. For instance, the intake of processed foods, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, sugar, refined carbohydrates and trans-fatty acids needs to be strictly moderated. Along with shifting to a plant-based diet, regular exercise and fitness is also important.
What to do?
Knowing what to do and actually doing it are not synonymous. This is where a certified health coach can help you reverse the symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Health coaches do not tell you to just follow a metabolic syndrome diet, lose weight or exercise regularly. They concentrate on building a deep awareness of the healthier habits and how they can help you. You will be advised on the specific types of exercises that improve blood glucose sensitivity and reduce elevated insulin levels. You become conscious of the types of food items that improve your cholesterol function and how to incorporate them in your daily life. Apart from the special meal plans, you also learn how to shop right and keep the temptations under control.
Instead of dramatic changes, health coaches set small goals that are more realistic and achievable. Even the small steps help boost the metabolism and minor changes in weight, sugar levels and triglyceride start showing up. The coach keeps you motivated and buoyant throughout with pep talks and constructive encouragements. You become aware of the undue stress levels and how to make the triggers more manageable. The lifestyle changes slowly and it is sustainable as well.
Therefore, a health coach makes is possible to make the positive changes for managing metabolic syndrome and to build long-term health.
The author is a health coach by profession as well as a writer in this field. She has penned her article down to highlight how the metabolic syndrome diet boosts up you and lowers the chances of certain diseases.

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Can Diet Calm an Anxious Mind?

By       Expert Author Danielle VenHuizen

Anxiety. It's a common ailment. When my clients list their medical history, anxiety is often on the list. It seems to be more prevalent than ever. Maybe we are now recognizing and diagnosing it more often, but it is not uncommon for a person of any age, even children, to report various levels of anxiety.
What is anxiety? Many confuse it with stress, but it's actually more than that. Whereas stress is the body's physical response in the moment to a situation, anxiety differs in that the physical response continues far after the situation is over. It is almost as if there is no switch to turn "off." These physical responses can include increased blood pressure, excessive trembling or sweating, chest pains, insomnia, headaches, nausea, dizziness, muscle tension, constipation and/or diarrhea, indigestion, and even rashes or what feels like allergic reactions. The physical manifestations clearly can be many and may cause harm to one's body over the long term.
The levels of anxiety can be varied as well. I am not a psychiatrist so I won't get too far into this, but it can range from general anxiety all the way to obsessive compulsive-disorder (OCD) or post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
The first step to take if you feel you have anxiety is to talk with a mental health professional. That way you can find out where you are on the spectrum and hopefully even find out where the anxiety is stemming from.
Second, which is where I come in, is supporting your body through this process with proper diet. Studies have shown that specific foods can play a huge part in reducing overall anxiety and improving the body's ability to cope and recover.
While a healthy, balanced diet is what we typically recommend, let's break it down into specific foods you can choose to support your brain and mental health.
Foods to Calm Your Nerves
1. Foods high in B Vitamins: Many of the B vitamins are known to help with anxiety and mood. Some great choices include:
  • Green leafy vegetables (at least one large handful of raw greens daily is ideal!) Spinach, kale, chard, collard greens
  • Avocado
  • Citrus fruits
  • Beans, peas, lentils
  • Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts
  • Beets
  • Bananas
2. Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids: The Omega 3's (DHA and EPA) we know are very beneficial for the brain and may do wonders for your mood. These are foods such as...
  • Seafood including wild caught salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies
  • Plant sources with pre-cursors to DHA and EPA include flax seed, hemp hearts, chia seeds, walnuts
  • High quality fish oil supplement
3. Fermented foods: Numerous studies have shown that our gut microbes talk to our brain. Crazy, isn't it? Supporting a healthy gut environment, therefore, is an important consideration for our mental health. Fermented foods include:
  • Cultured dairy products, such as high quality yogurt (few ingredients, low sugar), kefir, buttermilk, cultured butter
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Pickles and other pickled veggies
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
  • Natto
4. Foods high in antioxidants: Inflammation can definitely put stress on our brains. Fight inflammation with antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory foods. Antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, can also help increase the body's production of dopamine.
  • Anthocyanins: blueberries, cherries, grapes, blackberries, pomegranates, red cabbage, purple asparagus
  • Vitamin C foods: Oranges, kiwis, strawberries, pineapple, mango
  • Others: goji berries, dark chocolate, herbs and spices (especially turmeric)!
5. Hydrate!: While not a food, keeping up good fluid intake is so important! Dehydration increases stress on the body which can only exacerbate anxiety. While straight up water is a great choice, teas can also have a very calming effect on the body. Aim for 8 cups per day and even more if sweating excessively.
Foods That May Stress an Already Anxious Mind
While eating more of certain foods can be helpful, we also need to cut out those foods that are increasing stress on your body. These are likely nothing new to you, but they are good reminders!
1. Caffeine
Not everyone reacts adversely to caffeine, but if you are one of those who do, caffeine can definitely raise your anxiety level. Try cutting it out for awhile to see how you respond. On a personal note, someone in my own family did this recently and it did wonders for their mood and overall stress level!
2. Sugar
No surprise here, but sugar increases inflammation, raises blood sugar, and overall is harmful for your brain. Dial it back and choose naturally sweetened foods like fruit instead.
3. Gluten
For some, gluten can be very inflammatory and therefore impact your mood and well-being. Try taking a gluten vacation for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.
4. Processed foods, especially fast food
Another no-brainer, but fast food and other highly processed foods are very low in actual nutrition and high in refined carbs, sugars and additives. Ditch the drive through and seek out healthier alternatives.
5. Artificial sweeteners
A component of many processed foods, I single these out because they may be harmful to our guts and therefore impact brain health. Some of my clients have even reported headaches and other reactions from these sweet additives. Go for the natural sugar if forced to choose but in very small amounts.
6. Avoid any foods you are allergic or sensitive to
Some of you, knowingly or unknowingly, may be suffering from food sensitivity reactions. These reactions cause inflammation which can exacerbate stress and anxiety. If you aren't sure which foods are causing you problems, an elimination diet can be a good first step. Seek guidance from an RD like myself to help tailor such a plan or dig deeper if the offending foods are elusive. For difficult cases, I like using MRT food sensitivity by Oxford Biomedical for decisive answers
Hopefully this gives you a few specific food ideas to get started! Again I will reiterate that if you are struggling with anxiety, seek professional help. Don't do this on your own. Along with expert advice, change up your diet to give your brain the support it needs!
Danielle VenHuizen, MS, RD, CLT is a Registered Dietitian who helps her clients achieve health and vitality through food, not pharmaceuticals. She specializes in working with food sensitivities, Diabetes, Cardiovascular health, Digestive Disorders, and healthy pregnancies. For more expert health advice visit her blog at

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Top 5 Tips for Dining Out the Healthy Way

By      Expert Author Bonnie R Giller

If you're like me, you have the best intentions when it comes to cooking meals for yourself and your family, but it seems that time gets away from you and you end up deciding to dine out instead. Eating out can be a time saver but it can also be a challenge to make healthy choices when you're not cooking things yourself.
The good news is, with a little planning you can make educated choices before you even leave your house! Here are my top 5 tips for dining out.
1. Plan ahead. This applies to both where you're eating and what you're ordering. Have a list of go-to restaurants where you know the menu well so you don't have to spend a ton of time deciding what to choose. Have your family create a list of several places everyone likes and use that as a rotating list of places to go in a pinch. You can even add a new place you want to try once in a while. Many restaurants have their menus posted online so you can determine if it's the right choice for you before you head out.
2. Read the menu carefully. Either online or in the restaurant, take your time when reviewing menu options. Be selective with what you're ordering and consider balancing your meal - if you choose a heavier entrée, select a side of steamed vegetables. If you know you're having dessert, choose grilled or broiled chicken or fish with a salad for your entrée and appetizer. If you're truly craving something, order it and savor it while you relish not having to do the dishes after dinner.
3. Don't hesitate to make special requests. Restaurants are often very flexible with their menus, even with methods of preparation. Ask if that sandwich you're interested in can be made with grilled instead of fried chicken. Skip the bacon or mayonnaise on the sandwich and choose a baked potato or salad as a side. Requesting sauces and dressings be served on the side is an easy way to make sure the food is seasoned to your particular taste.
4. Pay attention to your alcohol consumption. Alcohol tends to lower inhibitions and you may not be as in-tune to your fullness cues. If you do choose to drink, alcohol guidelines recommend one drink per day for women and two for men.
5. Volumize your meals. Increase the nutritional profile of your meal by adding volume. Ask for extra vegetables in your primavera, choose vegetarian fajitas, or pile your burger with extra tomatoes, lettuce, and other vegetables. This not only makes your meal more nutrient-dense, but it also helps you feel satisfied and stay satisfied for longer.
If you're still finding it difficult to fit a relaxed meal into your busy schedule, tuck portable foods into your purse or kids' lunchboxes for an easy way keep everyone from becoming ravenous. Try nut butter and an apple, trail mix, and single serve packages of whole grain cereal or crackers paired with a cheese stick.
The good news is, if you find yourself pressed for time for meals once in a while, there are a few ways around it. With a little pre-planning, when the time crunch hits, you'll already have steps in place to find an easy way to dine out. Plus, you have the added bonus of not having to clean up after, giving you even more time to spend as a family.
Bonnie R. Giller helps chronic dieters and people with medical conditions like diabetes take back control so they can get the healthy body and life they want. She does this by creating a tailored solution that combines three essential ingredients: a healthy mindset, caring support and nutrition education.
Bonnie is a registered and certified dietitian nutritionist, certified diabetes educator and certified intuitive eating counselor. Learn more about Bonnie and her nutrition services at
Get your Free Guide "5 Steps to a Body You Love without Dieting" at
Author *Bonnie R Giller

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Healthy Living - Three Things You Must Know About Probiotics

By        Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers

If you are not on the probiotic bandwagon, now is the time to get started. As more and more research comes out on these super bacteria, we realize just how essential they are to our overall health. Many people do not know some essential facts and considerations about probiotics, however, and this can hinder their decision on which products to use - or which foods to eat. Here are a couple of things to think about...
1. Most Yogurt Does Not Contain Probiotics. The first point you need to keep in mind is the yogurt you are eating each day that you think contains a hefty dose of probiotics, may provide very little at all. It is beneficial for you to note here is when probiotics are combined with sugar, they die off. So slowly any of the live probiotics once found in the yogurt will be gone.
For this reason, do not think if you eat a yogurt a day, you are likely getting your probiotic needs met. Chances are, you are not. One sure way to tell if your yogurt does contain probiotics is if it is very sour to taste.
2. Probiotics Account For Up To 80% Of Your Immune System. Next, keep in mind probiotics will account for up to 80% of your total immune system. This is very important to note because your immune system plays a critical role in warding off illness and disease, so the better your immune system function is, the more likely you are going to be to keep yourself feeling well.
Those who have weak immune systems are likely to get sick more often with the common cold and flu and may also fall prey to more severe health conditions.
There is a lot you can do to keep your immune system healthy including...
  • sleeping sufficiently, usually 7 to 8 hours is recommended,
  • eating a diet rich in vitamin C, and keeping
  • stress to a minimum,
but taking a probiotic also has significant benefits as well.
3. Probiotics Are Important For Manufacturing Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, And Vitamin K. Finally, note another role probiotics are essential for is making sure you are correctly manufacturing vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin K in your body. While you can take these in from food sources, you will see better results in getting your needs met if you also choose to consume probiotics regularly.
Consider picking up some probiotics today. While you can get these from foods, it is far more reliable to get them from a high-quality supplement source instead. They act fast, are easy to take, and very convenient.
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making easy changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by diabetes, and eliminate some of the complications you may already experience.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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K2: An Important Vitamin You May Not Know

By      Expert Author Joan Kent

Many people know that vitamin K1 is involved in helping blood clot. It's found in plant foods, particularly leafy greens. Examples include kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Apparently, vitamin K1 deficiency is rare.
But another vitamin - K2 - is important for its completely different functions. K2 helps to:
• prevent cardiovascular disease
• form strong bones and teeth
• prevent osteoporosis
• prevent kidney stones
• promote healthy skin and prevent wrinkles
• prevent cavities, and more.
K2 is found primarily in animal products and fermented foods. (It has several subtypes, but I'm going to declare that info beyond the scope of this brief article!) Food sources of K2 are listed below.
While K1 and K2 are similar in structure, they seem so different. Is there any connection between the two? And if so, what is it?
Let's Start with How K2 Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
K2 promotes the deposit of calcium in bones and teeth, especially when it's combined with vitamin D3. That's because K2 activates osteocalcin and other proteins related to skeletal growth and bone formation.
Yet K2 also prevents the deposit of calcium in soft tissues, where it doesn't belong. As a result, it can help prevent calcification of arteries and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
That's its link with cardiovascular disease prevention.
Why Are Animal Products the Primary K2 Source?
The human body can convert K1 to K2 but is limited in its ability to do that. Animals are better at the conversion process.
And here we find the connection between the 2 vitamins.
Animals get their K1 from eating grasses and other plants. They convert that K1 to K2.
So it's not enough to eat cheese or butter to get K2, for example - even though some sources simply list those foods. Instead, we need to choose cheese or butter from grass-fed cows because of the K1/K2 connection.
Fermented cheeses - such as Jarlsberg, Edam, Gouda, cheddar, Brie, and blue - contain vitamin K2 formed by the bacteria used during their production. Of these, cheddar and Brie are particularly high in K2 due to the types of bacteria used.
Ghee (clarified butter) from grass-fed cows is an excellent source of K2, even better than regular butter.
Egg yolks are another good source of K2 - but should come from free-range chickens, which eat grasses.
Dark chicken meat and beef are good K2 sources, but again should be from grass-fed animals.
Two other sources are goose liver and chicken liver. In keeping with the other K2 info, my recommendation would be to eat free-range versions of those animal products, as well.
What Should Vegans Eat to Get K2?
Natto from fermented soy is one of the few non-animal sources of vitamin K2, and has a high K2 content.
Sauerkraut is another K2 source.
I suggest real, fermented sauerkraut. That means the label should list only 2 ingredients: cabbage and salt. Possibly water, as well. Avoid a more "standard" product with vinegar. That would actually be pickled cabbage, not fermented sauerkraut.
Kimchi is fermented vegetables and also contains K2.
So there's a little info on vitamin K2. Because we can convert K1 to K2 to some degree, I'd recommend that you eat plenty of leafy green vegetables - for many health reasons, but also to get lots of K1.
If you have any blood clotting problems, check with your doctor to be sure eating leafy green veggies is a good option for you.
Would you like other simple food tips? Perfect. That's what I do! Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it is to make small shifts that yield big results!
Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar: 7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.

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How Susceptible Are You to Sugar Addiction?

By   |   Expert Author Joan Kent
Quitting sugar was one of the most significant accomplishments of my life. I'm the World's Foremost Recovered Sugar Addict (!!).
While sugar is the most addictive food there is, it doesn't affect everyone that way. One of the key factors in sugar addiction is susceptibility.
I happen to be one of the susceptible people and have had strong reactions to sugar my whole life.
How Can You Tell If You're Susceptible to Sugar?
Well, it's often genetic.
Does either of your parents have hypertension? Diabetes? Obesity? Alcoholism?
How about depression? Or hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)?
Do you have an apple-shaped body type? (This really matters if you're a woman.)
Do you show any of these behaviors around sugar: compulsion to eat it, loss of control over how much you eat, unsuccessful efforts to quit, cravings?
Does sugar interfere with your health? Does it make you isolate yourself, miss important events, or use excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting, or laxatives to counter the effects of the sugar you ate?
If any of these sound familiar, you may be sugar-addicted. But what if you were to quit sugar? How might that change your life?
What Sugar Recovery Can Do for You
Sugar - actually, the high insulin it triggers - promotes inflammation & disease: diabetes, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, obesity, cancers and more. Quitting sugar can reverse many, if not most, of those. Really.
Sugar can cause mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability. Quitting can help reverse mood issues and keep you feeling great.
Sugar messes with your energy. It can make you lethargic and sleepy all day. Quitting can restore your energy levels.
Sugar makes you eat more. Quitting sugar can help you regain control of your appetite.
Sugar makes you want junky food. It changes food preferences so you want sugary and/or high-fat foods. Quitting can make healthful food seem appetizing again.
What Else Can Recovery from Sugar Do?
If you've recently quit alcohol, sugar can make you crave alcohol and even lead to relapse. Quitting can help prevent that and keep you feeling much better during your (ongoing and hopefully permanent) recovery.
Quitting can make you a better role model for your kids.
• Showing them how you handled a big problem.
• Showing them that you do what you say.
• Reversing the health problems above so you'll be around for their key life events.
• Behaving differently so you treat them the way they deserve.
• Becoming more 'even' and less reactive so you handle other things better, as well.
In these ways and others, quitting sugar can be one of the best things you've ever done for your health, your attitude, your appetite, your behavior, your recovery, your kids.
If you'd like help quitting sugar so you feel better fast, perfect! That's what I do. Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it can be to get things on track, regain control, and give yourself the freedom you'd love. You got this!
Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar: 7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Coconut Oil and Its Healing Capabilities

By       Expert Author Hassim Seedat

Coconut Oil is generally used for cooking purposes but it has many different applications which include some healing capabilities. Whether you use it on its own or as a key ingredient, there are many ways to incorporate it in your life.
Coconut Oil can be used as the following remedies:
• It is able to reduce the appearance scars and stretch marks. Rub it on the area on a daily basis to benefit from this.
• If you have hard cracked heels, you can use coconut oil to soften your heels.
• Head lice can be an issue with most kids. Use coconut oil to treat for lice.
• You can use it to treat certain fungal infections.
• It can be used to improve Parkinson's disease as well as to lessen the effects of Dementia.
• Use it to improve Osteoporosis as well as to improve your memory.
• For babies that suffer from nappy rash, you can use it as a natural remedy by gently rubbing it on their bottoms until the rash disappears.
• If you have tired eyes, the coconut oil can be used to reduce the puffiness around the eyes.
• If you are prone to bug bites then you can use it to relieve the itching caused by these bug bites.
• It is also a good way to heal various bodily wounds.
• You can use it to help lower blood pressure.
• It is a natural way to get relief from painful or uncomfortable haemorrhoids.
• If you have the flu, you can use it as an added ingredient in cold syrup or in a sore throat cure.
• Coconut oil can be used as a first aid remedy to stop or to prevent nose bleeds.
• Use it as a natural testosterone booster. This will aid with muscle building activities.
• It can be used to kill off Candida yeast growth as well as to help cure bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.
• Use it to decrease an insulin spike or to stimulate your thyroid.
• For those with belly fat issues, it can be used it to burn fat around the stomach.
Coconut oil is a natural ingredient that has many healing properties for the human body. It has a multitude of benefits and applications which you can use in your daily activities. Remember to always get the advice of a doctor before taking any sort of home remedy and apply it to a small area first to check whether you do not have any allergic reactions to this ingredient.
Our core focus at Golden Fry is to provide Sunflower Oil, Palm Oil and Frying Oil in bulk to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. Contact us on E-mail: or Tel: +27 11 948 7909.

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This WILL Prevent 95% Of All Diseases

By      Expert Author Alicia Diane

When it comes to nutrition, what is the first thing that usually comes to mind?
Most people would say VITAMINS!
But in short, that isn't even the half of it.
See, there is much more to health and nutrition than what is presented in the media and the medical industries.
Vitamins account for less than 20% of your daily essential nutrients! (Essential* meaning the body requires, but does not produce it)
If you really try hard, you can consume all of your vitamins, amino acids (protein building blocks) and fatty acids from plants (produce).
This is because plants CAN make these nutrients.
They pull carbon out of the air and create carbon-chains through photosynthesis.
However, what most people do not understand is the amount of nutrients that your body can actually absorb and utilize, is solely dependent on another essential nutrient.
That cofactor comes in the form of specific minerals.
Before you overlook this statement, consider this for a moment...
Plants DO NOT make minerals of any kind!
They MUST be absorbed from the soil!
If the soil is deficient of any essential mineral, you can be certain the plant is deficient of that mineral!
It has been proven both chemically and biochemically that any living vertebrae (human or animal) requires 60 essential minerals to sustain itself!
Where as, plants only require 3... Any good farmer, or husbandry man knows that N-P-K (Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium) is the only combination of minerals, necessary, for plants and vegetation to grow and produce the highest yields.
See, farmers are paid by tons and bushels. There are no incentives for them to add in minerals into their soil! These soils are overworked and overused!
The minerals are gone, and bearing a flood, they are NOT coming back!
Don't believe me? Take a look at US Senate document #264, from the 74th congress and let the evidence speak for itself. (found at the bottom of this article)
Therefore, if the minerals are not in the plants, they are not in you!
Did you know there is not a single function in your body that can take place without minerals?
That air, food, energy, vitamins, proteins, hormones and enzymes CANNOT be utilized without one or more of these mineral cofactors!?
Now, you might be supplementing with a daily multi-vitamin or multi-mineral, but understand this.
A supplement is only as good as your body's ability to absorb it!
You are not what you eat... You ARE what you absorb!
The majority of supplements today, are found in pills. These pills are toxic and poorly absorbed in our body's.
They are metallic or 'elemental' minerals, which consist essentially of ground up rocks, things like oyster shells, egg shells, dolomite, limestone, calcium carbonate, clay's of various kinds and seabed minerals.
This form is ideal for plant consumption, but when it comes to humans, their bio-availability (absorbability) is only a mere 8-12%.
This falls to 3-5% once you reach the age of 35-40+.
Chelated (key-lated) minerals are metallic, with a protein or enzyme wrapped around them, this increases their absorption by about 40%.
The idealistic mineral form is colloidal, plant derived minerals.
They are very small in particle size, roughly 7000 times smaller than a red blood cell.
Every particle is negatively charged (-) and since your intestinal lining is positively charged (+), they actually have an electrical or magnetic gradient, that concentrates these mineralsaround the lining of your intestine.
Plants convert metallic minerals from the soil, in their tissues, to colloids or colloidal form, and this is how we store them in our body.
This is also how we transplant them from storage place to site of use, in the colloidal form.
These 3 things together create 98% efficient absorption in the BODY!
It is understood that mineral deficiencies are the main limiting factor for -
  • Health
  • Athleticism
  • Stamina
  • Longevity
"You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a MINERAL deficiency" - Dr. Linus Pauling
Believe it or not, if you take proper care of yourself now, you can live to be 120-140 years of age!
Those folks you see who are over 100 should actually be the NORM, not the exception.
I'll give you a few examples so you can see what I mean:
In Eastern Pakistan there is a group of people called the Hunza's who are famous for longevity, typically living 120 to 140 years.
Next, in what is now Western Russia, there are the long living Russian Georgians made famous in the seventies by Dannon Yogurt.
South of them are the Armenians, the Abkhazians and the Azerbaijanis who were studied for 60 years because they routinely lived to be 120- 140.
In the Western Hemisphere the Vilcabamba Indians in the Andes of Ecuador, are famous for living a long time.
Then in South Eastern Peru there are the Titicaca who are famous for living to be 120-140 as well.
Even Americans can live a long life, despite what many consider to be bad diets and poor habits.
As of 2010, there were 53,364 people in the U.S. who were 100 or older.
The long-lived cultures have certain common denominators.
  • They all live in high mountain villages, that are about 8,500 to 14,000 feet in elevation.
  • They all get less than 2% of precipitation each year.
  • They don't have any rain, snow or dew. (Very dry places)
  • They get all their drinking water and all their irrigation water for their crops from what we call 'Glacial Milk.'
Glaciers in every one of those communities grind up the parent rock of those mountains, about 4 inches per year. There's can be 60 to 72 minerals in each one of these places.
The water that comes out from underneath those Glaciers isn't clear like Perrier or Evian Water. You take a glass of it and hold it up and it looks like Jersey Milk.
They have irrigated with it, year after year, crop after crop, generation after generation, for 2,500 to 5,000 years.
They have no diabetes, no heart disease, no high blood pressure, no arthritis, no osteoporosis, no cancer, no cataracts, no glaucoma, no birth defects, no jails full of drug addicts, no taxes and no DOCTORS!
Yet they live to be 120 to 140 without DIS-EASE!
Are these colloidal minerals important?
You bet your life they are important and every time you don't take them in every day you are chopping off a few hours or a few days of your life...
Every animal and human being that dies of 'natural causes' actually dies of a nutritional deficiency!
If longevity is something you would like to accomplish, you need -
90 essential nutrients in your BODY every day:
  • 60 minerals
  • 16 vitamins
  • 12 essential amino acids which are your protein building blocks
  • 2-3 essential fatty acids
If you don't have these in complete numbers and optimal amounts, over time you ARE going to get a deficiency disease.
One sentence that has killed more people than all the wars in American history... You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups.
Information gives you the ability to make decisions with confidence.
I hope you have enjoyed my message!
By giving your body the 'proper' raw materials everyday, you'll be taking the necessary steps in living healthier and living longer.
Make the decision to take control of your personal health and longevity program today.
Just as there are many manufacturers of aspirin, there are now many manufacturers of vitamins and mineral supplements.
Be sure to get your colloidal minerals derived only from the very best organic plant source deposits.
Colloidal Minerals are the mineral source our bodies were designed to use, not ground up rocks.
All disease, aging itself and even death are caused by groups of your cells not functioning properly, not replicating efficiently, or dying off too rapidly.
In other words, if your cells are healthy than so are you!
Visit my web page at []
Learn how safeguard your health today!
If your cells are weak, not replicating properly, or dying, then you are sick, weak and/or dying.
If you have any questions or comments, please send me a message at
Kindly yours, Alicia

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How to Kick Start Your Day With Healthy Habits

By     Expert Author Abhilash Tyagi

An integral part of human behaviour is that knowingly or unknowingly, we operate our system under habits. These habits are an intrinsic part of our daily existence. So, when you make a conscious effort to start your day with healthy habits, you are actually in a process to make our life more meaningful, nourishing and active. Nutritionists advocate making these healthy habits a part of your everyday ritual and seeing you transform your life for a better future. Here is a list of a few healthy habits to kick-start your day.
Get Up Early-
Make a powerful habit of getting up early in the morning as there is something magical about the morning hours. Steer away from the practice of snoozing your alarm clock every time it starts ringing. Waking up early is an important habit which can set the tempo for your entire day. Once you make a dedicated effort to accomplish this goal, you would realise how much extra work you can fulfil with the extra time found in the morning.
Once you have learned to wake up early in the morning, now you should focus on some concentration building ideas to set your intention for the day. Performing meditation for 10-15 minutes can be good practice to train your mind and emotions. It teaches to react positively to challenges which you may experience during the day.
Meditation also gives you a bright idea of how to go ahead with the day. When you breathe deeply during meditation, you let all your worries leave you far behind and experience inner peace. The silence of meditation has a remarkable effect on your mind and soul.
Hydrate Yourself-
Top and famous nutritionists also suggest beginning the day with a glass of water with honey as it helps you to rehydrate your body. Since you have woken up after long hours of sleep, your body may experience dehydration early in the morning. Drinking a glass of lemon water also cleanses your system and removes the toxins from your digestive tract. Moreover, lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C; it helps to combat obesity and freshen breath.
A workout session in the morning helps you to stay fit and active throughout the day. You can opt for yoga, brisk walk, cycling, a quick set of sit-ups and push-ups, jogging or swimming. It also keeps you safe from many deadly lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments and obesity. You may take the help of a trainer to decide the right type of exercises keeping in mind your body structure and other health condition. Exercises improve the oxygen and nutrient level in your blood and energise your mind and body.
Have a Healthy Breakfast-
Breakfast is the most significant meal of the day. Since you eat the breakfast after long hours of sleeping, try to make it nutrient-rich and healthy. You can opt for eggs, sprouted beans, brown bread, baked beans, whole wheat chapatis, and fresh fruit juice. Top Nutritionists recommend never skipping your breakfast as you may end up with a craving for junk food which only provides you with empty calories.
So, these were, in brief, 5 healthy habits to kick-start your day.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Healthy Eating - The Benefits Associated With Including Turmeric In Your Eating Plan

By     Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers

If you are looking to improve your health, nutrition should be a big focus of your overall program. Eating the right foods and ensuring you are well hydrated is a must if you are going to see optimal results. This said, do not overlook the benefits of spices in your eating plan. Herbs and spices can offer amazing results to help prevent disease and enhance your overall well-being.
Let us look at the health benefits turmeric has to offer. This spice - which is found in curry powder; is one you will want to take advantage of...
1. Reduces the Level of Inflammation. First, turmeric is an excellent agent to help lessen the level of inflammation in the body and which can then go on to decrease your risk of a broad range of health issues. Inflammation is at the heart of many health woes such as...
  • Type 2 diabetes,
  • arthritis,
  • cardiovascular disease, and even
  • stroke.
Doing whatever you can to minimize inflammation in your body should be a top priority.
2. Helps Reduce the Spread of Cancer. Next, turmeric may also help to slow the spread of cancer. As well as being a natural anti-inflammatory, it appears the compounds in turmeric can contribute to slowing down the growth of cancerous cells. It helps to short-circuit the development of growing cells by inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels in the tumor or cancer. Therefore contributing to reducing the chance of cancer cells spreading.
3. Improved Heart Health. Want improved heart health? Turmeric can help out with this as well. It will help with maintaining healthy blood pressure readings by preventing the build-up of plaque. Plague can block the arteries and lead to strokes and heart attacks.
The better functioning your arteries are, the more healthy your blood pressure reading will be.
4. Aids in the Prevention Of Alzheimer's Disease. The last key benefit to note about turmeric is researchers believe this spice helps to ward off the onset of Alzheimer's disease. It seems this spice is robust enough to break down the amyloid plaques in the brain that contribute to the formation of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease can impact anyone, even those who are younger, so never take for granted you are immune. Turmeric also helps to provide natural relief from the symptoms associated with this disease.
Furthermore, turmeric can also help with improving your mood state and has been shown to be beneficial in those who are suffering from clinical depression.
So, there you have a few of the key reasons to be considering adding turmeric to your menu. Are you making the most of this spice?
Although managing any disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower your blood sugar levels and improve your overall health. Turmeric is helpful for improving several aspects of health.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Nutrition & Exercise: Do They Help Drug Addiction Recovery?

  • February 11, 2019
  • Individuals who are suffering from drug or alcohol addiction may not fully realize just how important that their diet is particularly during the early stages of their recovery. Individuals who are battling addiction are accustomed to abusing their bottles. Most of these individuals have also fallen into a very unhealthy lifestyle based on their addiction. While there is a significant amount of emotional work and effort involved in rehabilitation, physical healthy is just as important—and diet is just one of the numerous ways that can be used to boost one’s overall well-being.
    Most drug addicts or alcoholics are accustomed to poor diet choices due to their addiction, and many of them wind up with very serious nutritional deficiencies as a result. By focusing on healthier dietary choices, these individuals can make a positive move toward not only better health overall but also more stable moods. During the recovery process, an addict will become familiar with good nutrition fundamentals and continue to apply these basics to their eating habits long after they leave rehab. Therefore, the healthy lifestyle as a whole is crucial even after recovering from addiction as it can help the addict become strong enough to avoid relapsing back into the old and possibly life-threatening addicting habits that he or she was once a part of.


True recovery is about restoring your mind and body — and eating healthfully is one of the best ways to replenish a body that’s been ravished by addiction, whether by drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, sex, video gaming or something else. Many addicts are malnourished by the time they seek help, in fact, as they may not eat enough or eat properly when consumed by finding their next fix. A healthful diet simply isn’t on their radar.
Also, addiction wreaks havoc on the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. The type of malnutrition someone experiences typically depends on the substance of abuse, however. Opiate addicts, for example, often show deficiencies in calcium, vitamins D and B6 and iron, while cocaine addicts generally have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Common deficiencies among alcoholics include pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamine and folic acid. Alcohol use also damages two major organs involved in metabolism and nutrition: the liver (which removes toxins) and the pancreas (which regulates blood sugar and the absorption of fat), resulting in an imbalance of fluids, calories, protein and electrolytes.

Nutrition and Addiction

Poor Nutrition and Addiction

Teens who are suffering from addiction or who are in recovery face a number of unique nutritional concerns. Some of these concerns have to do with physiological changes to the body that occur when using substances; others center on self-care.

The Dangerous 10 - Top 10 Worst Food Additives


Food additives are substances added during the processing or making of a certain food in order to preserve flavors and freshness and enhance taste and appearance.
Although some of them have been used for centuries, the use of certain food additives is becoming really widespread and some of them are extremely dangerous for your health, I would say toxic even.
I'm not talking about the once-in-a-while consumption of a certain processed food containing additives, which can't harm anyone. I am talking about daily use. Statistics show that the average American spends about 90% of his/her budget on this kind of food; which means that if you open an American fridge or look up on the shelves you'll find tons of canned, dehydrated, artificial or processed stuff, which is extremely unhealthy, and its persistent consumption can cause health problems.
Typically these food ingredients are very difficult to identify, both for the variety of names and codes they're labelled with and the very minuscule fonts used to lists them on the ingredient list.
Here is the list of the top 10 toxic ingredients.
Go get your detective glass and start reading labels!
1) HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a highly-refined artificial sweetener made from corn starch and found in almost all processed food such as: bread and baked goods, salad dressing, candies, yogurt, soda etc. And according to some studies has become the number one source of calories in the US.
Indeed, its easy handling and cheap cost made it the number one granulated sugar replacement: The amount of refined sugar we consume has declined over the past 40 years, while we're consuming almost 20 times as much HFCS.
HFCS is linked with weight gaining, it increases your LDL ("bad" cholesterol) levels, and contributes to the development of diabetes and tissue damage, among other harmful effects.
Also, recent researches published by the American Association for Cancer Research found that the fructose in HFCS promotes cancer growth, specifically pancreatic cancer.
2) Sodium Nitrate & Sodium Nitrite (NaNO3- NaNO2)
Both of them are chemical compound used as a food additive to preserve and give to cured meats, smoked fish and poultry a nice red pinkish color. Although their purpose seems harmless, these ingredients are highly carcinogen and their consume is linked with gastrointestinal cancer and heart diseases.
In fact, under certain conditions, they can form nitrosamines compounds, molecules that cause cancer in animals and humans.
Also, in massive doses, nitrite - and nitrate, which under some conditions changes to nitrite - can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia. In our body, nitrites, indeed, have the ability to change the structure of the hemoglobin into methemoglobin: the binding of oxygen to whom results in an increased affinity for oxygen in the remaining heme sites. This leads to an overall reduced ability of the red blood cell to release oxygen to tissue and it may occur in tissue hypoxia.
Can't give up on eating salami, bacon or ham? Choose the uncured ones.
Sodium Nitrate is listed under its INS number 251 or E number E251, Sodium Nitrite has the E number E250.
3) MSG - Monosodium Glutammate
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. While the Glutamic acid is naturally present in our bodies, and in many foods, such as tomatoes and cheese, the ones exploited by the processed-foods industry is chemically produced through hydrolysis of vegetable proteins with hydrochloric acid to disrupt peptide bonds or by the fermentation of starch, sugar beets, sugar cane or molasses.
The substance produced has the ability to excite our taste buds and make everything taste delicious, which wouldn't be a big deal if it hasn't been shown that high levels of MSG can seriously screw with brain chemistry causing damage to areas of the brain unprotected by the blood-brain barrier.
4) Artificial Colors
Food dyes are one of the most common ingredients in processed food used with the purpose to make your meals or drinks more desirable and appealing.
Nothing against that if they wouldn't have been linked to some serious health problems.
Blue #1 and Blue #2 (E133)
Banned in Norway, Finland, and France. May cause chromosomal damage.
Found in candy, cereal, soft drinks, sports drinks and pet foods.
Red dye #3 (also Red #40 - a more current dye) (E124)
Banned in 1990 after 8 years of debate from use in many foods and cosmetics. This dye continues to be on the market until supplies run out! Has been proven to cause thyroid cancer and chromosomal damage in laboratory animals, may also interfere with brain-nerve transmission.
Found in fruit cocktail, maraschino cherries, cherry pie mix, ice cream, candy, bakery products and more!
Yellow #6 (E110) and Yellow Tartrazine (E102)
Banned in Norway and Sweden. Increases the number of kidney and adrenal gland tumors in laboratory animals, may cause chromosomal damage.
Found in American cheese, macaroni and cheese, candy and carbonated beverages, lemonade and more! (source Food Matters website)
The slogan "Eat the Rainbow" is still cool but go natural, please!
5) BHA & BHT
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), also listed with the label of E320, and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are two organic compound widely used by the food industry as preservatives due to their antioxidants proprieties as they can prevent rancidification of food containing fats.
Although declared safe from FDA, The U.S. National Institutes of Health reported that they may form cancer - cause reactive compounds in our body potentially leading to cancer.
Also, they can disturb your hormone and neurological system.
BHA is in tons of food: pick up a bag of chips, a box of cereal, a package of frozen sausages or simply eat a gum, and you have a high probability to find BHA and or BHT (or even worse, both of them) in the ingredients list.
6) Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial Sweeteners are sugar substitute used to give some sweet taste to drinks of food without all the calories of sucrose.
Aspartame, known also as NutraSweet, Equal and codified ad E951, is the most famous one. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, but its effect on the human body is not as sweet as it tastes: is a neurotoxin and carcinogen.
Some studies claim that is the most dangerous substance on the market, with a wide range of health effects ranging from mild problem such as memory issues, headache and dizziness, to more serious ones, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, and emotional disorders.
Avoid Acetisulfame K, Saccharin (Sweet'N Low, SugarTwin), and Sucralose (Splenda) too.
7) Sulfur Dioxide
Sulfur Dioxide is a chemical compound with antimicrobial and antioxidants proprieties, used as a preservative for dried fruits such as dried apricot, raisins and prunes and added to fruit juices, cereal bars, breakfast cereal to prevent discoloration, ripening, and rotting.
Checking food labels for it, and for sulfites in general, with numbers in the range E220-228, is helpful; however, companies are required to list it only if there are more than 10 parts per million (ppm) in the finished product.
Whilst harmless to healthy persons when used in recommended concentrations, it can induce asthma and respiratory problem when ingested by sensitive subjects, even in high dilution.
It also destroys vitamins B1 and E.
8) Trans Fats
"Trans fats, or trans-unsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, are a type of unsaturated fat that occur in small amounts in nature, but became widely produced industrially from vegetable fats for use in margarine, snack food, packaged baked goods and frying fast food starting in the 1950s. Trans fat has been shown to consistently be associated, in an intake-dependent way, with increased risk of coronary artery disease, a leading cause of death in Western nations."
As matter of facts, Trans fats have the power to increase LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, while decreasing the amount of HDL (the good one) in our bodies. Trans fat is abundant in fast food restaurants. Here is a list of health issues linked to a high consume of trans fats: Alzheimer's disease, coronary artery disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, liver dysfunctions, infertility, depression, deficit in memory.
Keep them in mind while you're enjoying your fries!
9) Sodium Benzoate
Sodium Benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid and it's famous for the anti-fungal proprieties.
Pick up a soda can and you'll surely find it as an ingredient (E211). Indeed, it is heavily used by the soft drink industry, and not only in that. This chemical compound it is primarily added to acidic foods such as prickles, sauces, vinegars in order to enhance their flavor.
When mixed with ascorbic acid (well known as Vitamin C), Sodium Benzoate create an unfortunate side effect: it forms benzene known as a potent carcinogen, which contribute to the formation of many different types of cancer.
10) Potassium Bromate
Last but not least, Potassium Bromate, used in the Unites States, as a flours additive to improve elasticity and strength of the dough and allow it to rise higher.
In 1999, the International Agency on Research for Cancer declared that potassium bromate was a possible human carcinogen. Since that, it has been banned in a number of country including Europe and Canada, but not in the United Stated, where studies have found it in more that 86 baked goods found on supermarket shells.
Check out your bread, rolls, French toast or pastry dough before buying. Please!

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