Wednesday, June 26, 2019

5 Ways Nutrition Plays A Vital Role In Recovery From Addiction


Everything that you put into your body has an effect on your physical and your mental well-being. Taking drugs and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol not only cause damage to your body, but they also often prevent your body from absorbing the vitamins and minerals your body so desperately needs from the food that you eat.
A very common consequence of addiction is that addicts and alcoholics eat very little while using. It is also very common for addicts to vomit during binges so the little food that they have managed to consume is lost.
Depending on the drug the addict may also binge on food, such as marijuana addicts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Nutrition & Addiction Recovery

Adam Sud | Nutrition For Addiction

Healthy Eating - Are You Missing Vital Nutrients in Your Bid to Count Calories?

By    Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers

Counting calories is still the preferred approach to weight loss by many individuals the world over. Counting calories is an incredibly flawed way to try to manage your weight and here are a few reasons...
  • it is impossible to calculate calories accurately. For instance, many restaurant meals when independently audited for calorie count were found to contain 18% more than stated, with some providing almost twice as many calories as stated, and
  • cooking food increases the caloric amount when compared to food left in its natural raw state.
These are just for starters, and I could go on, but this would dilute the point of the article. Perhaps one of the most concerning aspects where many diets are concerned are the statements throughout the diet plan stating...
  • calories need to be counted,
  • avoid foods high in calories,
  • keep on counting calories at every meal.
These statements create fear in the life of dieters. And this then actively encourages people to fear good wholesome food and as a result become nutrient deficient, which invites many diseases to the table.
Here are few toxic beliefs the calorie counting industry are responsible for...
1. Choosing low-fat foods - this is a mistake. They are higher' in calories because often the reduced fat option can be loaded with sugar or artificial ingredients attempting to mimic the taste of full-fat products and satisfy us. Also, we need specific healthy fats to keep our brain healthy and our cell walls upright, so it is dangerous to skip on all products just because they are rich in fat.
Trans fats are the most hazardous fats, and these are the only ones that should be avoided at all costs.
2. Eating fewer or no animal protein sources because they contain fat - this can be detrimental to your health because although you can obtain protein from vegetarian sources, you must ensure you mix the right ones to get the complete protein that animal protein offers. Protein is a vital macronutrient because it helps aid in the repair of the skin, helps to build muscle which is our fat burning tissue, and is one of the ingredients needed to manufacture healthy hormones. Also while animal protein contains fat, animal fat is the most natural type of fat for the body to break down when compared with man-made margarine which is toxic to the body.
3. Increased consumption of artificial sweeteners - artificial sweeteners cannot be broken down by the body, and some studies have found aspartame, a common ingredient in artificial sweeteners can cause migraines, nausea, joint pain, depression as well as more severe side effects.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Is Your Sugar Intake Making You Look Even More Like A Tired Parent?

By   Expert Author Lizzie O'Halloran

Tired Parent: Could Sugar causing you to look even more over tired?
Many health professionals state that sugar changes the appearance of your skin. In fact, experts now believe a lifetime of overeating sugar can make skin dull and wrinkled. Too much sugar can cause damage to the collagen and elastin in your skin. These are the protein fibers that keep skin firm and elastic. So, if you are looking more tired, drawn out and 'blotchy' than normal, it may be that you have too much sugar in your diet. When you're a tired parent, it's easy to assume this lack of elasticity or dullness in just due to the tiredness caused by bringing home a newborn baby.
Sugar is often hidden in foods you think are healthy
Regardless of how healthy you think your diet may be, if your skin is not as fresh and bright as it used to be, start paying attention to the processed foods in your diet to see what effect they might be having. Most nutritionists will tell you that sugar is one of the negative foods in your diet. It's an ingredient that is very difficult to avoid if you're not paying attention. Foods such as pasta sauce, yoghurt, spreads, crackers and chewing gum are laden with sugar to enhance taste.
Of course sugar is not the whole answer to your tiredness when you're a new mum - that waking baby has a pretty big impact! However, when you feel extremely tired it is very tempting to resort to sugar laden foods to wake you up. This has become a habit and before you know it you have developed an addiction to sugar. When you consume sugar, it also gives you an instant 'high', so for that moment and a few moments afterwards, you feel happy and energetic. Unfortunately, this positive feeling does not last. Your body gets a quick burst of sugar, but because it happens so quickly, it depletes your body and causes you to feel more tired that you were to begin with. The effects of sugar are not so easy to detect, because they happen so gradually. Being a tired parent can also mask the effects of sugar. You may assume your skin tone is solely the result of becoming a new parent, when in fact sugar may be playing an important part.
Do you have a sweet tooth?
The go-to food for many people when you're feeling tired, emotional or overwhelmed is chocolates and sweets. You don't have to give them up completely, however, you will find the moment you reduce your sugar intake, your cravings for sugar will reduce also. If you have a sweet tooth, there are loads of sugar free treats you can introduce into your lifestyle so you don't feel you are missing out. Try our free recipe for chocolate almond protein balls here. When you have your next sugar craving, sink your teeth into one of these instead. You will feel satisfied and you'll begin to swap processed sugar for healthier sweet alternatives.
The good news about sugar
The exciting thing is the effects of sugar on your health are irreversible. You'll start to see results very quickly. If you are looking for a way to get back into your healthy lifestyle, take a look at Refresh Your Life: motivational weight loss program. This program makes it easy to eat low sugary foods, in a balanced way.
To download our free '5 Everyday Ways to Add Serious Self-confidence to Your Life' eBook follow our link:

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Healthy Living - Three Reasons Why You Should Focus On Hydration

By   Expert Author Beverleigh H Piepers

Looking to boost your hydration? If not, it is time to rethink that. Nearly everyone needs to get more fluids into their day, and this fluid should come primarily from water. Often people eat when they are just thirsty. Drinking sufficient amounts of fluid helps to prevent this kind of overeating and has many other benefits as well. Fluid fills the stomach for a short time, and it gives you something to digest that does not necessarily contain calories.
So many of us are walking around in a chronically dehydrated state, and this can be the cause of many health problems. There are several reasons why you need to get your water intake up, but let us look at three of the most important ones right now...
1. It Improves Physical Performance. Want to go that extra mile in the gym? Try drinking more water. As little as 1% dehydration can have negative impacts on your strength output, so it pays to get your fluids in.
Many people know it is essential to drink water after a workout session since you have been sweating, but what they forget is it is as important to go into their workout well hydrated.
Drink water before you hit the gym for better results.
2. It may Help Reduce Cancer. Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases, and yet, it can be prevented to some degree. Eating the right foods and drinking enough water is essential.
Dehydration can be linked to an increased risk of developing colon or bladder cancer, so if those run in your family, you will want to put as much focus as you can on meeting your 8 to 10 glasses of water a day quota. If your urine is a pale yellow color, this is a sign you are well hydrated.
3. It Can Enhance Your Energy Level. Finally, the last reason to drink more water is it can help to boost your overall energy level as well. Those who are in a state of dehydration will notice decrements in their endurance as well as their whole day energy level.
If you feel fatigued and do not feel like doing much of anything, try drinking more water. It may help you remedy the situation.
This list is by no means exhaustive. There are many other reasons to increase your water intake so do your best to increase the number of glasses you drink each day. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go, and you will find it is easier than you may think.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Emotions and Their Different Theories

By    Expert Author Dr. Pran Rangan

Emotions are specific psychological and physical reactions to certain events in life. An emotion is a complex subjective experience involving physiological and behavioral responses.
One has one's own individual subjective experience to a particular event because one's interpretation and description of the event varies. The subjective experience initiates a physiological response, which is mediated by hormones. The physiological response varies from individual to individual to the same experience. And it also varies at different times to the same experience in the same individual. The physiological response is expressed outwardly as a specific behavior, which may include fainting, a flushed face, muscle tensing, facial expressions, tone of voice, rapid breathing, restlessness, or other body language. This gives a clue to others that the person in experiencing an emotion.
There are basically five theories as to how and why people experience emotions, which are mentioned below:
Evolutionary Theory -
In the 1870s, Charles Darwin proposed that emotions evolved because they have adaptive value. For example, fear evolved because it helps people act in ways that enhanced their chances of survival. He pointed out that facial expressions allow people to quickly judge someone's hostility or friendliness and to communicate intentions to others.
Recent evolutionary theorists believe that emotions are innate responses to stimuli, which are affected by both our thoughts and learning. They also believe that humans experience several primary emotions including happiness, contempt, surprise, disgust, anger, fear and sadness. And all other emotions result from blends and different intensities of these primary emotions. For example, terror is a more intense form of the primary emotion of fear.
The James-Lange Theory -
This theory has been proposed originally by psychologists William James and physiologist Carl Lange. It suggests that an external stimulus causes a physiological reaction in an individual. The emotional reaction depends on how one interprets the physical reaction. For example, while walking in the woods on seeing a grizzly bear, you start trembling and your heart begins to race. According to this theory of emotion, you are not trembling because you are frightened. Instead, you feel frightened because you are trembling.
The Schechter-Singer Theory -
This theory suggests that a stimulus leads to a physiological response, which is then cognitively interpreted and labeled as an emotion. In other words, people infer emotions depending on physiological responses. Based on cognitive interpretation of an event, people label the emotion. The theory also suggests that similar physiological responses can produce varying emotions. For example, if one experiences a racing heart and sweating palms during an important exam, one will probably identify the emotion as anxiety. Similarly, if one experiences the same physical responses on a date with the significant other, one might interpret those responses as love, affection, or arousal.
The Cannon Bard Theory -
This theory proposes that we experience physiological arousal and emotion at the same time. For example, the emotional response to seeing a grizzly bear is fear. Fear then causes us to run. This is how we commonly understand how emotions work, and why we have them. It is generally considered a healthy response to run away from bears.
The Facial Feedback Theory -
According to this theory, emotion is the experience of changes in our facial muscles. It is the changes in our facial muscles that cue our brains and provide the basis of our emotions. Just as there are an unlimited number of muscle configurations in our face, so too are there a seemingly unlimited number of emotions. For example, when we smile, we then experience pleasure or happiness. When we frown, we then experience sadness.
Conclusion -
It is now amply evident from different theories that an emotion has three components viz. a stimulus, physiological arousal and behavioral response. According to The James-Lange Theory, the physiological arousal caused by a stimulus precedes an emotional response. Whereas, according to The Cannon-Bard Theory, the physiological arousal and emotional response take place at the same time. The Schechter-Singer Theory suggests that a stimulus causes a physiological arousal before producing an emotion, which depends on the cognitive interpretation of an event.
Above theories, albeit with definite differences, help us understand nature of different emotions comprehensively. Since emotions form an integral part of our life, a better understanding of their nature equips us to lead a better and meaningful life.
Emotions form an integral part of our life, which largely depends on how we understand and manage them. If we can manage them properly, we will be able to handle our day-to-day interpersonal interactions better, thus making our life easier and more peaceful.

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This Quick Grounding Tip Can Save You Energetically

By    Expert Author Nicole Lawler

Sometimes life can get to be too much and you find yourself very overwhelmed. Here's a simple technique to get yourself energetically back in one piece and grounded to the earth. The best thing to do is to simply walk on the grass in your bare feet and you will quickly feel the healing of mother earth and very grounded. If you find, that walking outside in the grass is not an option for you, take a 5 minute break from whatever you're doing.
Do this little visualization technique, guaranteed to bring you back to being grounded:
Take 3 deep inhalations through your nose and 3 deep exhalations through your mouth, breathing in relaxation and exhaling stress and tension. Now imagine a root growing from the base of your spine. Visualize this root growing down through the room, through the floor, and into the ground; see this root growing deep into the center of the earth. Allow this root to grow thicker while mother earth grabs a hold of it, securing it to her core. Continue to inhale relaxation and exhale stress and tension. Now feel loving energy coming into your body through your root. Mother earth is sending back to you, all of the loving and healing energy of the earth.
Just do this for a few moments, then go back to whatever it is your were doing, and see how very different your energy feels. This is a magical little time out for yourself!
All it takes is a little bit of self-love to put the pieces of chaos in your mind back together. Namaste'
Nicole Lawler will show you different healing modalities for your mind, body, & spirit. At the end of the day, it's all about loving and healing YOU!

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A Healthier Attitude In Stressful Times

By    Expert Author Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

As human beings, we are continually faced with challenges, difficulties and temporary setbacks. They are an unavoidable aspect of being human. By learning how to manage stress and respond with a positive attitude to each challenge, we'll grow as a person and start moving forward in life. In fact, without those setbacks, we could not learn what you need to know and develop the qualities to where we are today.
It is natural to us to react emotionally when our expectations are frustrated in any way. When something we wanted and hoped for fails to materialize, we feel a temporary sense of disappointment and unhappiness.
The optimistic person, however, knows how to manage stress in difficult situations and soon moves beyond this disappointment. Responding quickly to the adverse event and interprets it as being temporary, the optimist responds with a positive attitude, knows how to manage stress and counter the negative feelings by immediately reframing the event to turn into a positive one. Whenever you have a difficulty, immediately reframe it, choose to view it as a challenge, and start moving forward. Challenge is inherently positive. It is something that makes you stronger and better.
The best way to maintain a positive attitude and manage stress is to turn it into an opportunity. When you are faced with a difficulty of any kind, faced with an unexpected opportunity. Neutralize any negative thoughts or emotions by speaking to yourself positively all the time.
You must learn to manage stress and survive above the difficulties in order to be a better person. Welcome each difficulty and then look into the situation to find the good in it. Start moving forward in life by keeping your thoughts on your goals, dreams, and on the person, you are working toward becoming. When things go wrong temporarily, resolve to maintain a positive attitude, be cheerful, and resist every temptation toward negativity and disappointment. View disappointment as an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.
It's very easy to be dragged down by the stress and pressure of everyday life. Once you feel really down, it's even easier to stay there, beaten and tired, muddling from day-to-day. The choice to live your life with a more positive attitude is always the right choice. But it is a choice that will take work and time.
Focus on what you do have rather than what you could have, you can decrease the amount of time you spend wishing and increase the time you spend appreciating the things that are happening in your life. But sometimes, this can lead to the things in life becoming mundane and harder to appreciate. Shaking up this pattern should help you to break up the routine and see your life in a new light.
As human beings, stress is a part of life. It is inevitable. What's important is how we respond to those challenges in a different perspective.

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Dual Diagnosis: Illness of the Mind or Disease of the Brain?

By   |   
This year, within the U.S., about one out of five adults will come up against mental illness. Of the 20 million adults who have faced substance use disorder, more than half also experienced a co-occurring mental illness. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, around 56% of men and women with dual diagnosis leave either one or both conditions untreated. Establishing whether mental illness led to substance abuse or vice versa is difficult with these behavioral health disorders, since the relationship of comorbidity is high.
What Is Comorbidity?
When two illnesses or disorders have either a sequential or simultaneous presence within an individual, experts say the patient's condition is comorbid. The interactions between the two conditions have a direct effect on how each of the illnesses manifests within a person's life. Comorbidity could imply that one disease caused the other, but this is not a correct prognosis all the time-even if symptoms of one illness appeared before the onset of the other one.
Is Addiction a Mental Illness or a Brain Disease?
The field of psychiatry has turned from the term "disease" when testing and attempting to determine the many unknown causes of psychological conditions. However, the use of "disorder" seems in-line with the nature of addiction-as the behavior that individuals carryout with a substance use disorder is often dysfunctional, driven by incessant syndromic cravings, and marked with continual excessive use of illicit drugs.
What might be more challenging to conclude is whether addiction is a "brain" disorder or disease. The compulsive behavior of those who develop a dependency-despite any current or foreseeable adverse consequences-shows a signature characteristic that exists in many mental illnesses. However, if you compare substance use disorders, as neural phenomena, to other chronic brain diseases, such as dementia, a subtle distinction is clear between the diseased.
People with dementia lack control because of changes in the brain. Whereas, a person with addiction may also lack control from changes altering the brain to use substances, but the individual makes deliberate choices with his "mind" to engage in behaviors with the aim of self-medicating or seeking reward and incentive for those choices. Some argue under the disease fallacy of addiction, changes that occur in the brain misconstrue the person's normal hierarchy of needs to desire new priorities-which are to buy illicit substances and consume them.
Theories on Dual Disorders of Addiction and Mental Illness
Researchers continue to conduct studies to gain more insight and a better understanding of the dual diagnosis. Below summarizes what they conclude about the comorbidity of unhealthy substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders combined as a mental health issue: 
  • Psychiatric disorders can cause sufferers to self-medicate, which could lead to substance use disorder with their continual efforts to treat medical symptoms using illegal drugs-for example, many patients who have schizophrenia smoke cigarettes to improve their cognition.
  • Certain narcotics and medications that users may misuse can bring about one or more symptoms consistent with other mental illnesses-sometimes following a significant number of years misusing. An example of this would be the elevated risks of psychosis when smoking marijuana.
  • Psychiatric illnesses and addiction are both disorders brought about by factors which overlap, such as exposure to early trauma or stress, underlying brain or cognitive deficits, or genetic dispositions and vulnerabilities.
Causation of this complex is difficult to determine with comorbidity being oh-so prevalent within a person having a dual diagnosis. Depending on whom within the health industry you speak to, with the brain disease fallacy of addiction being a withstanding, widespread assertion of its nature, provocation to challenge its validity may never fully gain momentum. Substance use disorder may or may not be a brain disease. However, as far as addiction being a psychiatric disorder, more ongoing research should continue to reveal with less ambiguity the reciprocated influence and indistinct connection of substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health issues experienced by a person.
Ramon Antonio Matta is the founder of Content Done Write, LLC. We offer premium on-demand online writing services for many content needs, including original articles, like this one, across multiple niches, white papers, promotional copy, creative fiction and nonfiction, academic papers and more, customized to your order specifications, style or brand's voice.

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Nutrition and How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

By    Expert Author Bryan M

Nutrition is basically the science of food and the amount of nutrients and calories each of the food item contains. It is regardless to say what importance food has in the existence of an individual. It is needed for the very survival of not only human beings, but every living organism on the face of earth.
Nutrients are the substances needed for the proper functioning of the body. These nutrients consist of proteins, vitamins and minerals, fats, carbohydrate, roughage and water. And it is required by every individual to have food which consists of all of them in the right amount.
Most of the times we tend to ignore or rather refuse to eat the vegetables and indulge more in fat-related products, primarily because of the taste. But we have to understand that vegetables and fruits are as much an important part of the diet as chicken and cheese.
But why should we let taste come in the way of our health. Here are some of the dishes that are a fantastic combination of good taste and healthy eating.
As the name suggests, it is an easy-to-make dish. It is a noodle dish filled with the goodness of vegetables, adding to the proteins, vitamins and minerals. The flavor makes it a tempting preparation and what's more, it looks so colorful. This dish is a healthy go-to dish and is ideal for lunch and dinner.
Nowadays, most people tend to choose 'gluten-free' food products, some because of its allergic reactions and some just for the sake of the diet. This dish is ideal for all those people. Again, it is an easy to make tasty, healthy dish with the richness of nutrients. It is full of flavorsome ingredients that are a delight to the food palate.
The one salad we all love. A perfect combination of protein and vitamins, this chicken plus vegetable dish is a favorite among the junk food eaters as well as the health conscious gym-freak. It is a great and easy-to-make dish that is perfectly ideal for brunch and dinner, and can be spread out throughout the week.
Again, a healthy, yummy and easy to prepare rice dish. Sometimes making a rice dish can be a hectic process in itself, but not this one. It's a perfect blend of flavor and nutrients. It is the ideal side dish for Mexican food.
No meal is complete without a dessert and what better way to end it with a Cherry Pineapple and Peach Dump Cake. Whereas on one hand, the cheery, pineapple and peach provides the goodness of nutrients, the whipped cream makes it all so-more delicious. It does take time to make but then it is all worth it in the end.
It is extremely important for us to know, which food is good and which is harmful. It is not always possible to count the calories of each and every food we eat, but we can balance it all out through a balanced diet containing of all that is good, healthy and delicious at the same time.
Want to have a better idea about the dishes and try them at home? Check out the recipes in and surprise your friends and families with these healthy, yummy, easy-to-cook preparations in no time.

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K2: An Important Vitamin You May Not Know

By   |   Expert Author Joan Kent
Many people know that vitamin K1 is involved in helping blood clot. It's found in plant foods, particularly leafy greens. Examples include kale, collard greens, spinach, turnip greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Apparently, vitamin K1 deficiency is rare.
But another vitamin - K2 - is important for its completely different functions. K2 helps to:
• prevent cardiovascular disease
• form strong bones and teeth
• prevent osteoporosis
• prevent kidney stones
• promote healthy skin and prevent wrinkles
• prevent cavities, and more.
K2 is found primarily in animal products and fermented foods. (It has several subtypes, but I'm going to declare that info beyond the scope of this brief article!) Food sources of K2 are listed below.
While K1 and K2 are similar in structure, they seem so different. Is there any connection between the two? And if so, what is it?
Let's Start with How K2 Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
K2 promotes the deposit of calcium in bones and teeth, especially when it's combined with vitamin D3. That's because K2 activates osteocalcin and other proteins related to skeletal growth and bone formation.
Yet K2 also prevents the deposit of calcium in soft tissues, where it doesn't belong. As a result, it can help prevent calcification of arteries and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
That's its link with cardiovascular disease prevention.
Why Are Animal Products the Primary K2 Source?
The human body can convert K1 to K2 but is limited in its ability to do that. Animals are better at the conversion process.
And here we find the connection between the 2 vitamins.
Animals get their K1 from eating grasses and other plants. They convert that K1 to K2.
So it's not enough to eat cheese or butter to get K2, for example - even though some sources simply list those foods. Instead, we need to choose cheese or butter from grass-fed cows because of the K1/K2 connection.
Fermented cheeses - such as Jarlsberg, Edam, Gouda, cheddar, Brie, and blue - contain vitamin K2 formed by the bacteria used during their production. Of these, cheddar and Brie are particularly high in K2 due to the types of bacteria used.
Ghee (clarified butter) from grass-fed cows is an excellent source of K2, even better than regular butter.
Egg yolks are another good source of K2 - but should come from free-range chickens, which eat grasses.
Dark chicken meat and beef are good K2 sources, but again should be from grass-fed animals.
Two other sources are goose liver and chicken liver. In keeping with the other K2 info, my recommendation would be to eat free-range versions of those animal products, as well.
What Should Vegans Eat to Get K2?
Natto from fermented soy is one of the few non-animal sources of vitamin K2, and has a high K2 content.
Sauerkraut is another K2 source.
I suggest real, fermented sauerkraut. That means the label should list only 2 ingredients: cabbage and salt. Possibly water, as well. Avoid a more "standard" product with vinegar. That would actually be pickled cabbage, not fermented sauerkraut.
Kimchi is fermented vegetables and also contains K2.
So there's a little info on vitamin K2. Because we can convert K1 to K2 to some degree, I'd recommend that you eat plenty of leafy green vegetables - for many health reasons, but also to get lots of K1.
If you have any blood clotting problems, check with your doctor to be sure eating leafy green veggies is a good option for you.
Would you like other simple food tips? Perfect. That's what I do! Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it is to make small shifts that yield big results!
Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar: 7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.

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9 Supplements Proven to Help You Overcome Addiction and Withdrawal


I've been dependent on a lot of substances over the years. 
When my brain wasn’t working and I struggled with mental illness, it simply made sense to find immediate relief from something outside myself – even if it wasn't good for me - at least until I found better long-term, sustainable solutions.
I really felt like I had no other choice at the time. 
And I know there are a lot of people out there grappling with the same thing.
You may feel like you need something to get through the day and fall asleep at night.
Whether that’s alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis or harder substances like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines.
Or you’re on prescription medication, such as antidepressants or benzodazipenes, and have no idea how you could possibly live without them.
I’m here to tell you that you can. And you can thrive. :-)
These 9 nutrients, vitamins and supplements have helped me minimize withdrawal symptoms, overcome my addictions, and get on with my life. 
I personally have experience with tobacco, nicotine, alcohol, benzodiazepines and antidepressant dependence, addiction and withdrawal. 
And even if you don’t struggle with addiction, these nutrients are still great for optimal brain and mental health.

Fish Oil In Addiction Recovery

Fish Oil In Addiction Recovery

Fish oil has been identified as an important tool for improving heart health. The omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil has recently become a popular addition to the diet of many people, making its way from the very health-conscious to the average consumer. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Nutrition For Addicts: Healing The Body

by  on July 8, 2014 in Healthy LivingLiving SoberTaking Care of YourselfTreatment 

Nutrition For Addicts: Healing The Body

As more studies reveal how diet and health are intertwined, nutrition might finally be gaining ground in addiction treatment.
“People who have been abusing [drugs and alcohol] tend to lose sight of self-care,” says Maura Henninger, a naturopathic doctor based in New York City, and they have to learn it over again.
However, nutrition for addicts learn more here>>>

How to Kick Start Your Day With Healthy Habits


An integral part of human behaviour is that knowingly or unknowingly, we operate our system under habits. These habits are an intrinsic part of our daily existence. So, when you make a conscious effort to start your day with healthy habits, you are actually in a process to make our life more meaningful, nourishing and active. Nutritionists advocate making these healthy habits a part of your everyday ritual and seeing you transform your life for a better future. Here is a list of a few healthy habits to kick-start your day.

Learn more here>>>

15 Power Meals: Eat Like A Pro!

By   Expert Author Andy G

Staying In Shape Doesn't Mean You Have To Give Up The Spice In Your Life! 
It's a common myth. Everyone assumes that if you're going to commit to staying in shape, you have to sacrifice all the flavour in your diet and eat nothing but white rice, protein powder and chicken breasts day in and day out.

Learn more here>>>!&id=10040246

The Top 6 Phytochemicals Found in Food

By   Expert Author Bonnie R Giller

There's quite a bit of buzz around phytochemicals in food. Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are naturally occurring chemicals found in plants (hence the phyto-). They are the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant variety of colors, smells, and tastes. With the rainbow of vegetables you see regularly, you can imagine how many types of phytochemicals there are!
Phytochemical Basics
There are literally thousands of phytochemicals out there, and scientists are busy studying their potential benefits. Since you aren't a plant, the only way to reap the benefits of phytochemicals is to eat a diet full of a variety of types of fruits and vegetables.

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