Saturday, April 27, 2019

Benefits of Turmeric - A Natural Home Remedy For Depression

By      Expert Author Darren Hodgson

Have you ever suffered from depression. It's estimated that around 15% of people in western society suffer from it at some point their lives.
It's usually described as suffering from extreme sadness for extended periods of time but not usually more than three to six months. If you find yourself with any of the following symptoms you should immediately take some action.
- Diminished sex drive
- Sadness and low mood most of the time
- Poor self esteem
- Crying
- Lethargy
- Regular anxiety and worry
- Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming someone else
- Irritability
- Lack of motivation
- Interest in things drops.
One or two of these symptoms every now and then doesn't mean you're depressed. Everybody feels this way from time to time but if you feel you have 4 or 5 of the above symptoms most of the time then it's probably safe to assume you are fall into the category the doctors call clinically depressed.
As always if you have a severe problem with either your mental, emotional or physical health you should always go to see the doctor. In addition to the doctors advice there are some home remedies to help with depression. This is where the benefits of turmeric come in.
It's been used in Chinese medicine for centuries to help treat depression and can be taken in various ways. Some people take it as a drink putting one teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water and drinking. Others use it in food.
Once you start adding it to meals there are plenty of things you can use it in. One of my favourites is to add a pinch of it to an egg salad.
There are other things you can do to aid you in pulling yourself out of your depression. To do this one of the main things you need to overcome is the lack of motivation and lethargy part.
If you can find a way to get up off your backside and do something, this not only distracts you from your depression it also helps you enjoy something, this in turn makes you feel a bit better which will then help motivate you a bit more and so on and so forth.
Think of depression as a downward spiral. You feel bad this gives you feeling of lethargy which makes you feel worse them you can be even less bothered doing things which makes you feel worse, spiralling down and down.
If you can get yourself to do the things you enjoy you can break the spiral and reverse it creating an upward spiral of recovery.
To conclude depression is a common and in the main treatable condition. To help pull yourself out of depression you should try and do as many things you enjoy as possible. The benefits of turmeric can help as a home remedy but if the symptoms are severe you should go see a doctor immediately.
If you want to use the benefits of turmeric to help you but don't like the taste you can always try a nutritional supplement. Either on its own or even better as part of a synergistic mix of other health beneficial ingredients. To find out more about turmeric as a supplement visit my website below.
Darren Hodgson is an avid believer in taking high quality nutritional supplements for superior health. Many supplements on the market are of sub standard quality and don't meet our daily needs. Visit his website [] today to find out why only a few of them make the cut.

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